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Roman Zinoviyovych Ivashkiv

Profile picture for Roman Zinoviyovych Ivashkiv

Contact Information

3129 FLB

Research Interests

Translation Studies (theory, practice, philosophy)
Contemporary Slavic, American, and Canadian Literatures
Comparative Literature
Literary Theory (Postmodernism, Poststructuralism, and Postcolonialism)
Psycholinguistics / Bilingualism / Multilingualism
English as a Second Language and Second Language Acquisition

Research Description

My main research goal is to complete a monographon transmesis (i.e., representation of translation both as process and product andthe portrayal of translator-characters) in Slavic film and fiction. It will examine instances of transmesis and phenomena of trans-/multilingualism in Slavic postmodernist prose not only in the light of untranslatability but also as a tool for theorizing translation. By extending Thomas Beebee’s argument that transmesis sheds new light both on the act of translation and on the figure of the translator,I aim to explore how transmesis, in addition to posing a challenge of (re)translating what already is a translation, can also play a strong theoretical role in at least three major ways: to dispel stereotypes about translation as a fallible act inevitably resulting in loss; to unravel the dichotomous structure of translation theory, which often restricts thinking about translation to binary paradigms (e.g. “domesticating vs foreignizing”); and to challenge the concepts of equivalence and faithfulness, which inadvertently continue to shape translation-studies discourse.


Doctor of Philosophy / Slavic Languages and Literatures, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies / University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada / Dissertation: “Transmesis in Slavic Literary Postmodernism: Understanding Translation through Fiction”
Master of Arts Russian and Comparative Literature Pennsylvania State University, PA
Master of Arts Translation/Interpretation and ESL (with distinction) Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

Additional Campus Affiliations

Senior Lecturer, Slavic Languages and Literatures

Highlighted Publications

Ivashkiv, R. (2018). Transmesis in Viktor Pelevin’s Generation “P” and Andrew Bromfield’s English translation. Translation Studies, 11(2), 201-216.

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Recent Publications

Ivashkiv, R. (2022). Translating Ukrainian War Poetry into English: Why It Is Relevant. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 9(1), 37-65.

Bazhan, M., & Ivashkiv, R. Z., (TRANS.) (2020). Зустріч На Перехресній Станціі: Розмова Трьох/ Meeting at the Crossroad Station: A Conversation Between the Three. In "Quiet Spiders of the Hidden Soul": Mykola (Nik) Bazhan’s Early Experimental Poetry (pp. 241-261). De Gruyter.

Ivashkiv, R. Z. (2020). Translator’s Essay. In "Quiet Spiders of the Hidden Soul": Mykola (Nik) Bazhan’s Early Experimental Poetry (pp. 238-240). De Gruyter.

Ivashkiv, R. (2019). Review of Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky, editors. Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 6(2), 217-220.

Ivashkiv, R. (2019). (Un)translatability revisited: Transmetic and intertextual puns in Viktor Pelevin's Generation "P" and its translations. European Journal of Humour Research, 7(1), 109-125.

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