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Maureen Elizabeth Marshall

Associate Director

Research Interests

Maureen E. Marshall is a Research Associate Affiliate in the Anthropology Department and a bioarchaeologist whose work focuses on early complex polities and empires in the South Caucasus and Eurasia. She is an Associate Director of Project ArAGATS, the joint American-Armenian project for the Archaeology and Geography for Ancient Transcaucasian Societies, and has been excavating in Armenia since 2005. She also collaborates with physical anthropologists in Armenia.  She serves on the advisory board for the Aragats Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Armenia's cultural heritage through heritage preservation, development, and education. Dr. Marshall’s work has been published in edited volumes on global perspectives in human remains analysis, including Archaeological Human Remains: A Global Perspective in 2014 and The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation in 2011. Her research interests include political subjectivity, violence in ancient societies, disease and health in ancient populations, the archaeology of Eurasia and the Near East, and the history of physical anthropology


Anthropology, Ph.D., The University of Chicago

Courses Taught

At the University of Illinois, Dr. Marshall has taught REES 496: The South Caucasus and REES 200: Introduction to Russia and Eurasia. At Lake Forest College, she taught Introduction to Archaeology and Archaeology Methods. At the University of Chicago, she taught classes in the College's Social Science core sequence, Power, Identity, and Resistance; in the Anthropology Department, Interpreting the Dead: Anthropological Approaches to Mortuary Analysis; and in the Human Rights Program, Rights for the Living/Rites for the Dead: Forensic Anthropology.

Additional Campus Affiliations

Research Associate Affiliate, Anthropology
Deputy Associate Director, Illinois Global Institute

Recent Publications

Lindsay, I., Greene, A. F., Marshall, M. E., Badalyan, R., Cromartie, A., Azatyan, K., Aghikyan, L., Khatchadourian, L., Mkrtchyan, A., & Smith, A. T. (2022). The Project ArAGATS Kasakh Valley Archaeological Survey, Armenia: Report of the 2014–2017 Seasons. American Journal of Archaeology, 126(2), 261-303.

Manning, S. W., Smith, A. T., Khatchadourian, L., Badalyan, R., Lindsay, I., Greene, A., & Marshall, M. (2018). A new chronological model for the Bronze and Iron Age South Caucasus: Radiocarbon results from Project ArAGATS, Armenia. Antiquity, 92(366), 1650-1658.

Marshall, M. E. (2016). Unruly remains: Ethnogenesis and physical anthropology in the south caucasus. In Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Temporality and Community in Eurasian Archaeology (pp. 291-302). Brill.

Lelièvre, M. A., & Marshall, M. E. (2015). 'Because life it selfe is but motion': Toward an anthropology of mobility. Anthropological Theory, 15(4), 434-471.

Badalyan, R., Smith, A. T., Lindsay, I., Harutyunyan, A., Greene, A., Marshall, M., Monahan, B., Hovsepyan, R., Meliksetian, K., Pernicka, E., & Haroutunian, S. (2014). A preliminary report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit plain, Republic of Armenia. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, 46, 149-222.

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