The priority application deadline for the next Summer Research Lab will be March 1, 2024. REEEC will continue to accept applications after the grant deadline, but these applications will be at a lower priority for funding.
The following documents must be submitted by all applicants; for those applying for funding, see Grant Application Requirements:
- 2024 SRL Application
- Research Proposal (1-2 pages, single spaced with 12-point font) answering the following questions:
- What research question or topic are you currently exploring?
- What is the goal of your current research? (e.g. complete monograph, finish dissertation, pre-field work research)
- What do you hope to achieve by visiting the SRL and using the services provided by SRS and the University Library at Illinois?
- If you are applying for Title VIII funding (US citizens only), you must submit a Statement of US Foreign Policy Relevance (uploaded into the online application form) in addition to your research proposal. This should be an abstract of your proposal that draws a connection between your research and some aspect of U.S. foreign policy issues, strategies, emphases, or concerns. Length: up to 500 words. Failure to provide this statement could compromise your ability to receive Title VIII funding.
- Short-form Curriculum Vitae (uploaded into the online application form): 5 page maximum, single-spaced, 11- or 12-point font.
- Additionally, Graduate Students are required to supply their Advisor’s letter of support. (This may be uploaded into the online application form. If your advisor would prefer to send their letter of support separately from the application form, they may email their letter as an attachment to Please have the subject line include your last name and the phrase ‘letter of support’.)
For questions regarding the application process, funding, and the SRL in general, please contact REEEC at or (217) 333-1244.